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NIVOMAX Viewer iPad Edition v.1.0.x Feature List


SYNAXIOM does not distribute NIVOMAX Viewer setup files directly to end users. To obtain the necessary setup files, users must download a copy directly from the Technical Publications Supplier's NIVOMAX Self Serve portal, subsequent to agreeing to the terms and conditions stipulated therein. The Technical Publication Supplier, possessing a valid Distribution ID for their copy of the NIVOMAX Applications, is the sole distributor. Access to and use of the NIVOMAX Viewer is contingent upon the purchase of a Data License for a digital product from the Technical Publications Supplier. The digital product downloaded will function exclusively with the viewer provided by the respective Supplier. Users are advised that the distribution of NIVOMAX Viewer setup files may be governed by applicable export control regulations depending on their region.


It is not necessary for end-users to purchase a separate NIVOMAX license. The Technical Publications Supplier from whom you have acquired your Data License has already procured the requisite licenses from SYNAXIOM. By extending an invitation, they include you within their authorized user pool, as permitted under their NIVOMAX license agreement. You are authorized to use the NIVOMAX software provided the Technical Publications Supplier maintains a valid NIVOMAX software license.


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NIVOMAX Viewer iPad Edition v.1.0.x Feature List

Last Updated on October 14, 2024 | 7 min read

We are excited to share with you the feature list of our second-generation iOS app for iPad. Unlike the first-generation cross-platform version, this app is developed specifically for iPadOS, leveraging the full potential of the platform to bring our flagship viewer’s essential features to your fingertips. The initial release focuses on providing access to large data repositories with optimized performance, and we will continue enhancing and expanding its capabilities in the coming months.

Feature List

The following is a comprehensive list of features available in the iPad version of the NIVOMAX Viewer. These features are designed to enhance user experience by providing efficient navigation, document management, and content interaction within the platform. Each feature ensures smooth access to libraries, documents, and updates while maintaining ease of use and security.

    • Login – Securely sign in to the app using Single Sign-On (SSO) with user credentials, ensuring a streamlined and secure authentication process.
    • Logout – Securely sign out of the app, terminating the session and ensuring user data privacy and protection.
    • Library List – Displays all downloaded libraries, allowing quick access to available content directly within the application.
    • Filter Library List – Enables users to apply filters to quickly locate specific libraries, enhancing navigation within the app.
    • Refresh Library List – Updates the current library list to reflect any recent changes, ensuring that all available libraries are up-to-date.
    • Library Import History – Shows a detailed record of all previously imported libraries, helping users keep track of content management.
    • Filter Import History – Allows users to filter the import history to find specific entries, making it easier to manage imported content.
    • Library List Items Status – Amber – Indicates that the library requires an update to remain current, providing a visual cue for maintenance.
    • Library List Items Status – Green – Indicates that the library is fully up to date with the latest version, ensuring that users have the most recent information.
    • Library List Items Status – Strikethrough – Shows that the library is installed but cannot be accessed without a valid data license, maintaining compliance.
    • Delete Libraries – Allows users to permanently remove selected libraries from the application to manage storage space efficiently.

      Note: In the NIVOMAX Viewer iPad Edition, certain lists do not automatically refresh as they do in the desktop version. To ensure you see the latest data, please manually refresh the list by tapping the refresh button in the toolbar.

    • Deactivate Libraries – Temporarily deactivates a library, making it inactive but available for future reactivation if needed.
    • Reactivate Libraries – Restores access to a previously deactivated library, ensuring that content is readily available when required.

      Note: In the NIVOMAX Viewer iPad Edition, certain lists do not automatically refresh as they do in the desktop version. To ensure you see the latest data, please manually refresh the list by tapping the refresh button in the toolbar.

    • NIVOMAX Menu – Quick access to essential features, including application settings, the About section, and the Download Manager.
    • About – Provides detailed information about the NIVOMAX software, including version details, release notes, copyright notices, and device ID.
    • Download Manager – Enables users to download and install authorized libraries directly within the app, ensuring smooth content access.

      Note: In the NIVOMAX Viewer iPad Edition, certain lists do not automatically refresh as they do in the desktop version. To ensure you see the latest data, please manually refresh the list by tapping the refresh button in the toolbar.

    • Filter Download List – Users can type text or numbers to instantly filter the download list, displaying only relevant results.
    • Refresh Download List – Refreshes the list to reflect any new available libraries or updates, keeping content current.
    • Start/Stop Downloading Libraries – A ‘Get’ button initiates library downloads, and a Stop button halts ongoing downloads as needed.

Note: In the NIVOMAX Viewer iPad Edition, certain lists do not automatically refresh as they do in the desktop version. To ensure you see the latest data, please manually refresh the list by tapping the refresh button in the toolbar.

    • Download Library Updates – The ‘UPDATE’ button allows users to download updates for their libraries directly, ensuring they have the latest content.

      Note: In the NIVOMAX Viewer iPad Edition, certain lists do not automatically refresh as they do in the desktop version. To ensure you see the latest data, please manually refresh the list by tapping the refresh button in the toolbar.

    • Download TR/SD Updates – Facilitates the direct download of updates for TR (Temporary Revisions) or SD (Supporting Documents), keeping technical documentation up to date.

Note: In the NIVOMAX Viewer iPad Edition, certain lists do not automatically refresh as they do in the desktop version. To ensure you see the latest data, please manually refresh the list by tapping the refresh button in the toolbar.

  • Library Updates Available – Displays the list of updates available for the data libraries installed on the device, prompting timely updates.
  • Available Libraries – Shows all libraries that are currently downloaded and ready for use within the app.
  • Available Manuals/Publications – Lists all available manuals or publications in the Virtual Library for quick access to essential documents.
  • Notices Tab – Displays important library notices, alerting users to critical updates or changes in content.
  • Toggle Table of Content (TOC) – Allows users to show or hide the table of contents within any manual or publication, enhancing document navigation.
  • Filter TOC Tree – Enables filtering of the entries in the table of contents, helping users locate specific sections quickly.
  • Refresh Table of Contents – Refreshes the TOC to reflect the latest content changes within a document.
  • List of Effective Temporary Revisions – Displays temporary revisions that are currently in effect, ensuring compliance with the latest updates.
  • Supporting Documents – Provides access to additional supporting documents related to the active manual, enhancing reference options.
  • PM (Publication Manager) – Displays a navigable table of contents for the current publication, facilitating easy access to different sections.
  • SNS (Standard Numbering System) – Organizes content by standard numbering, streamlining navigation through structured documents.
  • Simple Search – Allows users to perform basic searches across all documents and libraries, enhancing content discoverability.
  • Search History – Displays a list of previous searches made within a manual or publication, making it easier to revisit past queries.
  • Search History – Delete/Delete All – Users can delete specific entries or clear all previous search history for privacy and convenience.
  • Data Module Status – Shows the current status of data modules, ensuring users are aware of content readiness.
  • Applicability Filter – Filters content based on specific aircraft Product Sequence Numbers (PSN), tailoring information to specific operational needs.
  • Configure Service Bulletins – Allows management of Service Bulletins by updating their status, ensuring users have the latest data (e.g., PRE to POST).
  • Print – Offers printing options for PDFs and S1000D data modules, enabling physical copies of essential documents.
  • Display Inline Tables – Displays tables directly within document text, providing a seamless reading experience.
  • Display Tables as Icons – Shows tables as icons, giving users a choice in how content is displayed for easy navigation.
  • Display Inline Images – Allows images to be displayed within the document text, maintaining visual context.
  • Display Images as Icons – Shows images as icons, enabling users to toggle between full-size images and compact views.
  • Turn On Revision Bars – Highlights changes in the document, making it easy to identify recent updates.
  • Turn Off Revision Bars – Deactivates revision bars, providing a cleaner view without change markers.
  • Scroll to Top – Quickly scrolls back to the top of the document, saving time during navigation.
  • View IPDP Tables – Displays Illustrated Parts Data Publications (IPDP) using the S1000D standard, enhancing parts information accessibility.
  • View Wiring Diagrams – Provides the ability to view wiring diagrams directly within the app for maintenance and troubleshooting.
  • View Dynamic Maintenance Engineering Tables – Accesses key maintenance documents such as MRBR, MPD, and AWL, offering critical insights.
  • Filter Dynamic Maintenance Engineering Tables – Filters content within dynamic maintenance tables based on specific criteria for targeted information.
  • TIR Links (S1000D) – Provides access to Technical Information Records within S1000D content, aiding in detailed technical analysis.
  • Internal Document Navigations (ATA-100 & S1000D) – Navigate within and across documents, manuals, and libraries using internal links for enhanced usability.
  • View Graphics in a New Tab – Clicking on ICN numbers or figure references opens related graphics in a new tab, providing detailed visual support.
  • MP3/MP4 Play/Pause Buttons – Enables playback control for audio or video files embedded in documents, enhancing multimedia engagement.

For the latest documentation on this and other important topics, please refer to the NIVOMAX Help Center. The NIVOMAX Help Center is your primary resource for up-to-date information, guidelines, and self-serve support for NIVOMAX.

This document also has an online version which may be more up-to-date.


This document is the property of SYNAXIOM Inc.