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Review and Publication of Customer-Supplied Information in the For Registered Users Section


SYNAXIOM does not distribute NIVOMAX Viewer setup files directly to end users. To obtain the necessary setup files, users must download a copy directly from the Technical Publications Supplier's NIVOMAX Self Serve portal, subsequent to agreeing to the terms and conditions stipulated therein. The Technical Publication Supplier, possessing a valid Distribution ID for their copy of the NIVOMAX Applications, is the sole distributor. Access to and use of the NIVOMAX Viewer is contingent upon the purchase of a Data License for a digital product from the Technical Publications Supplier. The digital product downloaded will function exclusively with the viewer provided by the respective Supplier. Users are advised that the distribution of NIVOMAX Viewer setup files may be governed by applicable export control regulations depending on their region.


It is not necessary for end-users to purchase a separate NIVOMAX license. The Technical Publications Supplier from whom you have acquired your Data License has already procured the requisite licenses from SYNAXIOM. By extending an invitation, they include you within their authorized user pool, as permitted under their NIVOMAX license agreement. You are authorized to use the NIVOMAX software provided the Technical Publications Supplier maintains a valid NIVOMAX software license.


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Review and Publication of Customer-Supplied Information in the For Registered Users Section

Last Updated on September 16, 2024 | 4 min read


For the purpose of this guide, the term customer refers to the ePubs Supplier who holds the NIVOMAX license and is responsible for providing distribution-related information, such as contact details and links, to be published in the Distribution Fact Sheet.


This document provides instructions for reviewing and publishing customer-supplied information, including contact details, distribution links, and other content. This applies not only to the Distribution Fact Sheet but also to any additional pages or documents that the customer wishes to publish within the ‘For Registered Users’ section or elsewhere on the platform. All customer-supplied information must comply with SYNAXIOM’s internal policies, legal standards, and intellectual property (IP) requirements before publication.


1. Customer Submission of Information

  • Customer Action: The customer sends their information through an identified channel or by email to the SYNAXIOM representative.
  • Format Required: The customer must send information in an editable format (for example, Word document or plain text) and clearly state the purpose of each link or detail.
  • Confirmation: The SYNAXIOM representative must confirm the receipt of the submission within 1 business day and give the customer an estimated review and publication timeline.

2. Preliminary Review by Customer Relations Team

  • Assigned Team: The Customer Relations Team will do the first review.
  • Actions:
    • Confirm that the customer sent all the necessary information.
    • Check the accuracy of the information (for example, make sure that links work and contact information is correct).
    • Identify any missing or unclear information and notify the customer to provide corrections.
  • Legal Team Responsibility: The Legal Team must verify:
    • Accuracy: Confirm that the information is not misleading or incorrect.
    • Compliance with Policies: Ensure the information follows SYNAXIOM’s internal policies, legal rules, and customer agreements.
    • Intellectual Property Compliance: Confirm that no customer-supplied information infringes on SYNAXIOM’s intellectual property rights or violates the intellectual property rights of third parties.
    • Data Privacy: Verify that no personal data is published without consent and confirm compliance with data privacy laws (for example, GDPR, CCPA).
  • Timeline: The Legal Team must finish the review within 5 business days after receiving the submission.

4. Provide Feedback to Customer (if necessary)

  • If there are issues:
    • The SYNAXIOM representative must explain the corrections needed to the customer.
    • The SYNAXIOM representative must give the customer instructions on how to make the corrections and set a deadline for resubmission.
    • After receiving the updated information, the team will repeat the review.

5. Final Approval

  • Approval Documentation: After approval, the SYNAXIOM representative must document the approval in the internal system (email or project management tool).
  • Customer Notification: Inform the customer that the information is approved and give them the estimated publication date.

6. Publish the Information

  • Publishing Team Responsibility: The Publishing Team must post the approved information on the Distribution Fact Sheet.
  • Timeline for Publication: The Publishing Team must publish the information within 1 to 2 business days after final approval.
  • Customer Notification: After publication, inform the customer and give them a link to the updated Distribution Fact Sheet.

7. Review of Published Information

  • Annual Review: The SYNAXIOM team must review the Distribution Fact Sheet every year to ensure that all information is up-to-date.
  • Customer Updates: Remind customers to send updates when there are changes in their information.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Customer Relations Team: First review of customer submission and communication with customers.
  • Legal Team: Compliance check, including legal, intellectual property, and data privacy approval.
  • Publishing Team: Upload and publication of information.

Policy Notes

  • Confidentiality: The team must make sure that no proprietary or sensitive information is published.
  • Intellectual Property: Ensure that customer-supplied information does not infringe on SYNAXIOM’s or third-party intellectual property rights.
  • Opt-Out Option: Remind the customer that they can choose not to publish certain information.

For the latest documentation on this and other important topics, please refer to the NIVOMAX Help Center. The NIVOMAX Help Center is your primary resource for up-to-date information, guidelines, and self-serve support for NIVOMAX.

This document also has an online version which may be more up-to-date.


This document is the property of SYNAXIOM Inc.