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NIVOMAX Builder – Release ID 2024-1


SYNAXIOM does not distribute NIVOMAX Viewer setup files directly to end users. To obtain the necessary setup files, users must download a copy directly from the Technical Publications Supplier's NIVOMAX Self Serve portal, subsequent to agreeing to the terms and conditions stipulated therein. The Technical Publication Supplier, possessing a valid Distribution ID for their copy of the NIVOMAX Applications, is the sole distributor. Access to and use of the NIVOMAX Viewer is contingent upon the purchase of a Data License for a digital product from the Technical Publications Supplier. The digital product downloaded will function exclusively with the viewer provided by the respective Supplier. Users are advised that the distribution of NIVOMAX Viewer setup files may be governed by applicable export control regulations depending on their region.


It is not necessary for end-users to purchase a separate NIVOMAX license. The Technical Publications Supplier from whom you have acquired your Data License has already procured the requisite licenses from SYNAXIOM. By extending an invitation, they include you within their authorized user pool, as permitted under their NIVOMAX license agreement. You are authorized to use the NIVOMAX software provided the Technical Publications Supplier maintains a valid NIVOMAX software license.


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NIVOMAX Builder – Release ID 2024-1

Last Updated on August 28, 2024 | 4 min read

Release Highlights

1. Drastic Performance Improvement for Heavy Builder Processes
2. Major Feature Improvements to S1000D Libraries
3. File Attachments with JobSync
4. Updates to CGM Processor
5. Central Data Repository Housekeeping
6. Core Software and Framework Updates for Security and Performance

Release Overview

  • Release Type: Scheduled Release


  • Baseline Version: 3.0.1
  • Release Date: 2024-01-10
  • Build: 5


  • Baseline Version: 3.1.0
  • Release Date: 2024-07-11
  • Build: 202407110001

This update primarily delivers system improvements and bug fixes to enhance the usability and overall experience for our users.

Current Patch Release


  • None Available


Patched Version: 3.1.2

Release Date: 2024-08-27


  1. Update Summary: The baseline release version has been updated to include important bug fixes. Customers are advised to update their distributions, especially if the resolved bugs are critical to their operations. Applying this patch is recommended to ensure these fixes are implemented.
  2. Bugs Addressed in Version 3.1.2:
    • BUG-2024-018-FUNC: Missing Interchangeability Data in IPDP Due to Unprocessed Elements in Info Code 941. For more details, please refer to the associated bug report.

Patch History

  • Back-End

    Patched Version: 3.1.1

    Release Date: 2024-08-14

    Build: 202408140001

    1. Update Summary: The baseline release version has been updated to include important bug fixes. Customers are advised to update their distributions, especially if the resolved bugs are critical to their operations. Applying this patch is recommended to ensure these fixes are implemented.
    2. Bugs Addressed in Version 3.1.1:
      • BUG-2024-014-FUNC: Resolved an issue that occurred when updating common manual applicability notes. For more details, please refer to the associated bug report.
      • BUG-2024-015-FUNC: Resolved an issue with the HTML Data Exporter that affected the Current Issue export when version incrementing was not performed. For more details, please refer to the associated bug report.
      • BUG-2024-016-FUNC: Resolved an issue affecting the HTML Data Exporter process, where the cancellation function did not work correctly. This bug impacted both the Current Version and Next Incremented Version export functions. For more details, please refer to the associated bug report.


  1. Enabling Restricted User Profiles [NMX-B-310-1]
    Enabled the setup of preconfigured restricted profile roles within the NIVOMAX Builder.
  2. User Management [NMX-B-310-2]
    NIVOMAX Builder Administrators can now create new Publisher users within the system using the UI, streamlining the user management process.
  3. Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM) Converter [NMX-B-310-3]
    Applied fine-tuning and improvements to the CGM converter to improve the Scalable Vector Graphic (SVG) output.
  4. Temporary Revision / Supporting Document Sorting [NMX-B-301-1]
    Displayed the affected filename sorted in alphanumeric order.
  5. Common Manuals Error when Updating Common Manual Assignments [NMX-B-310-4]
    Resolved an error caused by the Builder generating duplicate entries for the same common manual in the database when updating the Common Manual Assignments.
  6. Core Software Update [NMX-B-310-5]
    We have significantly enhanced the performance for heavy processes, specifically for running Data Module Metadata and Illustrated Parts Data Publication (IPDP) tables. Based on the server resources, users can expect up to a 900% increase in performance, greatly improving efficiency and reducing processing times.
  7. S1000D Central Data Repository Housekeeping [NMX-B-310-6]
    When publications are deleted from the NIVOMAX Builder UI, the related Publication Module (PM) XML is also purged from the system. Re-importing a Data Dispatch Note (DDN) with the PM XML is required to re-setup the publication.
  8. Framework Upgrade and Security Patching [NMX-B-310-7]
    Applied core framework upgrades and security patches to enhance system security and performance.
  9. Activity Log Messages Updated [NMX-B-310-8]
    Updated activity log messages for improved user experience and clarity.
  10. Removed Mandatory Requirement to Run Aggregated Content Tables [NMX-B-310-9]
    Changed the requirement to run Aggregated Content Tables from mandatory to optional when performing the complete Central Data Repository and Create ZIP steps in the publishing workflow. Error messaging is included to inform users that the tables will appear empty if this step is skipped.

We Value Your Feedback

We are committed to continually improving our software to meet the needs of our users. Please continue to send your feedback and look forward to more updates that enhance your experience with the NIVOMAX Applications.

Further Resources

Always refer to our online Help Center Resources for the most up-to-date information.

For the latest documentation on this and other important topics, please refer to the NIVOMAX Help Center. The NIVOMAX Help Center is your primary resource for up-to-date information, guidelines, and self-serve support for NIVOMAX.

This document also has an online version which may be more up-to-date.


This document is the property of SYNAXIOM Inc.