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Understanding Software Types and Permission Requirements


SYNAXIOM does not distribute NIVOMAX Viewer setup files directly to end users. To obtain the necessary setup files, users must download a copy directly from the Technical Publications Supplier's NIVOMAX Self Serve portal, subsequent to agreeing to the terms and conditions stipulated therein. The Technical Publication Supplier, possessing a valid Distribution ID for their copy of the NIVOMAX Applications, is the sole distributor. Access to and use of the NIVOMAX Viewer is contingent upon the purchase of a Data License for a digital product from the Technical Publications Supplier. The digital product downloaded will function exclusively with the viewer provided by the respective Supplier. Users are advised that the distribution of NIVOMAX Viewer setup files may be governed by applicable export control regulations depending on their region.


It is not necessary for end-users to purchase a separate NIVOMAX license. The Technical Publications Supplier from whom you have acquired your Data License has already procured the requisite licenses from SYNAXIOM. By extending an invitation, they include you within their authorized user pool, as permitted under their NIVOMAX license agreement. You are authorized to use the NIVOMAX software provided the Technical Publications Supplier maintains a valid NIVOMAX software license.


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Understanding Software Types and Permission Requirements

Last Updated on July 16, 2024 | 3 min read

A Comparison Between Common Office Apps and NIVOMAX Viewer

The software we use at work can vastly differ in functionality and operational requirements. For many users, common office applications like word processors and spreadsheets are daily tools that operate seamlessly on most corporate networks and setups. However, when it comes to specialized software such as NIVOMAX—an Interactive Electronic Technical Publication (IETP) and Interactive Electronic Technical Manual (IETM) Platform—the experience can be quite different due to the complex nature of its operations and the system level permissions it requires.

Common Office Applications

Most office applications are designed with a straightforward user interaction model: create a document, edit it, and save it. If a user tries to save a document in a restricted directory, the application simply prompts them to save it elsewhere. The application does not typically require additional permissions to operate effectively, as it doesn’t need to access restricted system areas or download files from external sources.

What Makes NIVOMAX Different?

NIVOMAX apps are not just another office application. It is a sophisticated platform designed to handle large datasets and complex file manipulations which are integral to viewing technical and electronic manuals. Unlike, for instance a simple word processor, NIVOMAX Viewer apps interact with computer system resources and the internet to download, extract, and save large volumes of data. This process is either automatic or manually driven and integral to the functionality of the software, but it also introduces unique challenges in environments with strict user permissions.

NIVOMAX’s Unique Requirements

On the other hand, NIVOMAX operates on a different principle. It requires data libraries that are already prepared by publishers to be downloaded and attempts to save and extract large data files as part of its core functionality. If a user without administrative privileges attempts to run NIVOMAX, they encounter issues where the software may try to access directories that are off-limits under their user permissions. This is because NIVOMAX needs specific read/write permissions to operate correctly, which are not always granted by default in enterprise setups where users have limited administrative rights.

The Solution

To address these challenges, there are two primary solutions:

  1. Run the Software as Administrator: This allows NIVOMAX to function without hindrance, giving it necessary access to all system areas. However, this might not always be feasible due to security policies. See Running Apps as Administrator.
  2. Adjust Folder Permissions: IT administrators can modify the permissions of the specific Data Store Location folder so that NIVOMAX can operate within the user’s limited rights and still be able to read and write to this location. This method ensures that NIVOMAX has the access it needs without granting the user or the application broader administrative powers. See Change Folder Permissions in Windows 10 and 11.

Why is This Necessary?

The need for these solutions stems from the nature of how NIVOMAX functions. Unlike, for instance a simple document editor, designed for users to generate content or documents, NIVOMAX is designed to supply and view complex data libraries published by third-party suppliers. This relationship is tightly bound to system resources and external data sources. This requirement must be addressed for the software to perform as intended but requires more sophisticated handling of permissions.


Understanding the differences in operational requirements and permissions between common office software and specialized platforms like NIVOMAX is crucial for both users and IT administrators. By recognizing these differences and implementing appropriate solutions, organizations can ensure that all software, regardless of its complexity or requirements, works effectively and securely within their IT infrastructure.


For the latest documentation on this and other important topics, please refer to the NIVOMAX Help Center. The NIVOMAX Help Center is your primary resource for up-to-date information, guidelines, and self-serve support for NIVOMAX.

This document also has an online version which may be more up-to-date.


This document is the property of SYNAXIOM Inc.